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FAQ: "BURPS? SNOT? CRAPP? What language are you speaking?"

Like most hobbies, LEGO fans have developed their own language, their own 'verbal shorthand', to help describe & discuss the details of the hobby/obsession. These abbreviations & phrases have evolved over a long period of time & it can be difficult for new members of the community to understand what they mean & how they are used. There should be no embarrassment about asking what a particular term means, but to help members of the community, there is an on-line dictionary of terms, the 'Bricktionary' at the Tabletown site, here - http://www.tabletownonline.com/glossary.php

If you come across a term you don't understand, please check out the 'Bricktionary' first; if that doesn't help, then ask someone for help.

I've also created some specific lists:
Collectors Abbreviations and Acronyms: http://www.bricksetforum.com/discussion/comment/105710
Builders Abbreviations and Acronyms:http://www.bricksetforum.com/discussion/2799

For example -
BURP - 'Big Ugly Rock Piece' ( http://www.tabletownonline.com/glossaryb.php )
SNOT - 'Studs Not On Top' ( http://www.tabletownonline.com/glossarys.php )
CRAPP - 'Crummy Ramp And Pit Plate' ( http://www.tabletownonline.com/glossaryc.php )

Further glossaries can be found -
Eurobricks - http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1188&st=0&p=23232&hl=glossary&fromsearch=1&#entry23232

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